Static Web Build Dependencies

A simple workflow for static websites with live-reload local server, Babel transpiler for JavaScript and bundling CSS with PostCSS and CSSNext.


How it works? 🛠

The script automatically detects the browsers default language:

let langCode = navigator.language.substr(0, 2);

When visiting the page for the first time a Cookie is created and stored with the value of the browsers default language.

if (Cookies.get('lang') === undefined) {
	Cookies.set('lang', langCode, { expires: 365 }, { path: '' });

The script verifies if the site has the translation for the browser language, if so it changes the languages according by executing the translate function:

 const langs = ['en', 'it', 'de'];
 if (langs.includes(cookieLang))
 	$.getJSON('lang/' + cookieLang + '.json', translate);
else {
	$.getJSON('lang/en.json', translate);

### Translate

 const translate = function (jsdata) {
 	$("[tkey]").each(function (index) {
 		var strTr = jsdata [$(this).attr('tkey')];

The translate function looks for all elements in the DOM with the tkey attribute and it replaces the content with the translation corresponding to that key. The translation samples can be found at: src/lang/de.json, src/lang/en.json, src/lang/it.json;

### DOM Sample

 <h1 tkey="helloworld">Hello World</h1>
 <p tkey="hellointroduction">Introduction</p>

### Have fun ✌️ Demo Preview

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